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Smart Epos use AIRsteril to bring clean air where ventilation is a challenge

Smart EPOS Limited provides electronic point of sale systems (EPOS), therefore reliability and fast support is essential. Before the COVID-19 pandemic the company had a real problem in staff absence which caused disruption to work projects, slippage in deadlines and an impact on quality of service such as the time taken to respond to customer queries. The pressure increases significantly when the team is short staffed, and it has a knock-on effect on the various Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) that Smart EPOS has with businesses they support, where any downtime hits hard for the hospitality customer.


Callum Heron, Owner/Managing Director at Smart EPOS says “We needed to ensure every member of the team felt secure coming back to work as there was a natural concern regarding Covid. We felt it our duty to ensure every possible method for protecting the team was put in place. Surface cleaning would not be enough with a known airborne virus and we did not see it as a long-term solution”


“The advanced UV AIRSteril system provided by CorrMed has given us a cost effective technology to not only help with seasonal staff absence from work, but also give absolute peace of mind returning to work after the pandemic when we know that the Covid virus is still out there.”


Callum continues “The investment in the AIRSteril equipment was negligible, being equivalent to only 12 hours of client work. CorrMed provided a fast and efficient service, surveying the property via video calls and personally delivering the equipment and advising on positioning to get the best results.”


“Here at Smart EPOS we run a small, very tight team of first-class technicians and we are a family orientated business. We take pride in looking after each other and as a company we invest heavily in staff retention. We have just moved into the most beautify converted barn which gives everyone the chance to step away from the screen and enjoy the countryside. AIRSteril will now also bring fresh air inside the office and protect against infections. We will use this system through Covid-19 and beyond.”  


Callum concludes “AIRSteril was recommended to us as a long-term solution to protect our working space. We have been thrilled with the care and support by the team at CorrMed for not only the site surveys, but the delivery and installation were also incredibly professional. We will be recommending this technology and the team at CorrMed to our hospitality customers as it not only kills germs, but it tackles unpleasant odours too which needs managing in all establishments.”


To discover how to implement an AIRSteril system in your business please contact

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