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East Of England Ambulance service study absenteeism reduction in their call centre with AIRsteril
Saving over £200,000 in 9 months
Brief summary of data supplied by East Of England Ambulance service regarding absenteeism in their call centre before and after installation of Airsteril Multiflex units.
AIRsteril units were installed at the end of September 2018, the below shows absenteeism data month by month from the previous calendar year with any differences recorded. We have requested additional data on the type of illness, specifically respiratory conditions, and definitions of long term/short term, but as shown there is a clear drop in absenteeism with AIRsteril.
Total Sick % Oct-17 to Feb-18 has an average of 12.85% and Oct-18 to Feb-19 has an average of 5.91%, so a reduction of 54% in total sickness.
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