As well as being a regulatory requirement and an expectation from the Care Quality Commission (CQC), quality patient care and ethical responsibilities mean that high standards of cleanliness, infection control and odour elimination are essential within medical and healthcare environments. Hospitals, care homes, wards, waiting rooms, medical vehicles and surgeries can be a hotbed of bacteria and infection transfer unless properly managed, made worse by the constant flow of families and friends into and out of these areas. Cleaning and proper care protocols do much to manage infection transfer risk, but the more time has passed between cleans, the more bacteria has multiplied and the greater the risk.
Introducing AIRsteril, a revolutionary air purification system that can be installed in any healthcare or medical environment to kill bacteria, viruses, and prevent cross contamination, while eliminating odours and minimising staff absenteeism, all without increasing your need to clean.
What is air sterilisation?
AIRsteril units use a unique blend of six different technologies including germicidal UV light, dual UV operation, Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO) and a purifying plasma of superoxide ions and optimal ozone. These techniques combined kill up to 99.9% of germs and viruses. The plasma then kills airborne pathogens, viruses, bacteria, fungi, mould spores and allergens, and decomposes odours and harmful gases. Its effectiveness was tested by Leeds University and shows that airborne microorganisms were undetectable after just 60 minutes. The systems have very low energy consumption, do not have a filter which requires changing, and need servicing just once per year. Ultimately, these combined processes mean less bacteria transfer, reduced person-to-person illness transfer, reduced staff absenteeism and less bad odours.

Managing bacteria, viruses and infection risk
Bacteria can reproduce at a rapid rate, multiplying from one single bacterium to as many as 8 million bacteria on a surface, in just eight hours. Healthcare and medical environments require thorough bacteria and infection controls, but there are two key challenges which cleaning alone cannot address:
High footfall and transfer areas – healthcare and medical practices inherently mean people, and people mean infection risk. Be that transfer of patients between wards or practices, movement of medical staff and healthcare professionals between rooms, family and friends visiting, and even supplier deliveries. They all represent a new infection risk as they speak, cough, and breathe in a new area. Cleaning and proper infection controls help to manage some of the risk, but aerosolised bacteria and viruses will still be circulating in the air. These then settle and the cycle begins again, made worse by the sheer volume of people entering and exiting the different spaces. The core advantage of AIRsteril is that it operates 24/7, kills up to 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, works in the air and on surfaces, and requires no human input whatsoever, giving you effective, consistent bacteria and infection management and significantly reduced risk compared with cleaning alone.
Airborne pathogens – most common practices focus on surface hygiene and personal protective equipment (PPE) such as aprons, gloves and masks. The problem is this does not account for airborne pathogens and bacteria. Despite our very best efforts, the air around us is a soup of bacteria, viruses, spores, mould, dust, and other volatile organic compounds, which can be breathed in, and which also settle on surfaces. That means seconds after your cleaning routine has finished, new bacteria and viruses are already settling and multiplying on surfaces. The AIRsteril units combine unique technologies to kill up to 99.9% of germs and bacteria in the air and on surfaces. Even better, research by Leeds University found that airborne bacteria cannot be detected after as little as 60 minutes, so the process is fast-acting and constant.

Scientifically proven in healthcare environments
Don’t just take our word for it, AIRsteril units have been scientifically proven to deliver results including:
a reduction in absenteeism. In a quantified EORC call centre experiment, there was a 54% reduction in absenteeism, particularly for asthma, cold, cough, influenzas, chest and respiratory problems, and gastrointestinal illness. The equivalent cost saving was £213,704 over the 9-month monitoring period. See the full story +
Testing by the HPA and Leeds University found that airborne microorganisms were undetectable after just 60 minutes. See the study +
Tested efficacy on several coronavirus strains.
In use in more than 1,000 individual ambulances worldwide.

Meeting the requirements of the CQC for care homes
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) demand high levels of cleanliness and infection control: “Premises and equipment should be visibly clean and free from odours that are offensive or unpleasant.”*. A clean, fresh environment is good for residents, visitors and staff. Strong odours can affect a family's choice when they are looking for a home for their loved ones and staff often take more time off when they have to work in unpleasant conditions.
The old-fashioned way of clearing smells with chemicals and masking with perfume does not get to the root cause of the problem, bacteria and odours soon return. The latest technology from AIRsteril eliminates the bacteria and odours resulting in a big saving in materials and staff time.
*To find out more visit the CQC website to see the full regulation on cleanliness and equipment:
Which units are most suitable?
There are a number of styles and formats of AIRsteril units, including units which can be installed in vehicles, move from room to room, or wall- or ceiling-mounted units, which provide constant in-room protection. They are priced and installed based on size, but the units most commonly in use in healthcare and medical environments are:
Multipurpose MP100 – the AIRsteril mobile version, which can:
be moved between smaller rooms such as resident rooms or wards where a permanent solution is not required
can accompany your cleaning team on their rounds delivering on the spot controls
can be installed in vehicles including ambulances
can be used in offices and waiting areas where footfall is moderate at any one time.
Multi Flex Range – a wall- or ceiling-mounted unit best for common areas, large rooms, or high footfall zones
Air Silent – the quietest wall-mounted unit, best for private rooms and quiet spaces
Washroom Thermal or Washroom Complete – the wall-mounted units which have the added focus of controlling odour in toilets and high odour areas
Custom Vehicle Range - custom designed system for use in vehicles and tailored to your vehicle size.

Managing Asthma, respiratory challenges and allergens
Although patient care and infection control are likely to be your primary focus, it is worth noting that the AIRsteril units are not just effective on viruses and bacteria. They have six unique technologies inside, which also remove dust, particles, mould spores and other allergens from the air. This has the added advantage of helping to support staff, residents and patients who have asthma or other respiratory challenges, or who are sensitive to many airborne allergens.